Beetle Inc




Staying a few steps ahead – Beetle Inc attends Digital Swarm

Beetle Inc doesn’t stay on top simply by harnessing the abilities of our account executives and the ungodly powers of our creative department – we also make sure we keep up with all the best ways of doing things in our industry. This ensures that we’re always at the cutting edge of digital developments.

Our digital department ensures that best practices are always observed by keeping in touch with all the tech gurus and industry intellects. But to guarantee we never miss a thing, we also make sure we get invited to all the coolest conferences and parties – and there is none cooler than Digital Swarm.

Hosted by DigitLab, Digital Swarm is a knowledge-sharing meet up that encourages industry leaders to share all the latest innovations in their respective fields. We were delighted to get the chance to share everything we’ve learned and to learn as much as we could ourselves.

The key speakers this Digital Swarm – the first of 2018, held at Vega on the 4th of July – were Greg Bayliss-Lane and Mike Eilertsen. Greg is the Managing Executive at ctrlroom, a digital agency that builds digital communications strategies to suit their clients’ needs. He spoke to the creation of meaningful human connections that go beyond the advertiser-consumer relationship, a much-needed concept in the world of soulless advertising.

Mike Eilertsen is an entrepenuer extraordinaire, having started the popular lifestyle magazine LiveOutLoud. More recently, he has entered the digital space in a big way by launching URUP, a digital marketing agency that aims to flip the way advertising is done by pushing for one-on-one interactive marketing through the URUP platform. Mike spoke on how to dominate the digital era, something we’re sure each person in the audience was keen to discover.

Anything that keeps us on our toes is a good thing, and we’re already using the knowledge gleaned from Digital Swarm to become a bigger and better digital agency than we were the day before.

Make sure you stay on top of your game by employing those in the know – have a look at our range of services below, and get in contact here.